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Thursday, August 28, 2014

Turkey’s Erdogan sworn in as president

Turkey's new President Tayyip Erdogan (C) attends a swearing in ceremony at parliament (28 August 2014)  
 Mr Erdogan pledged to safeguard the existence and independence of the 'great Turkish nation' as well as the rule of law, democracy and the secular republic
Turkey's new President Tayyip Erdogan (front) attends a swearing in ceremony in front of the parliament building (28 August 2014)  
 The new president was treated to full military honours
Members of the main opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) leave parliament during the swearing-in ceremony of the parliament (28 August 2014) Opposition MPs walked out of parliament shortly before the swearing-in ceremony
"In my capacity as president of the Republic, I swear upon my honour and repute before the great Turkish nation and before history to safeguard the existence and independence of the state," Mr Erdogan said at the brief ceremony in parliament.
The new president left parliament to lay a wreath at Ataturk's mausoleum in the centre of Ankara - widely regarded as one of the most important symbols of the secular republic.
Another ceremony was held at the presidential palace.
Recep Tayyip Erdogan has been officially sworn in as Turkish president after winning the country’s first public vote for head of state.
Mr. Erdogan, who served three terms as PM, has vowed to give more power to the previously ceremonial post.
Critics of Mr. Erdogan say the move will make him more authoritarian. Opposition MPs walked out of the ceremony.
Outgoing Foreign Minister Ahmet Davutoglu is set to be PM after being elected head of the governing AK Party.
Mr. Erdogan promised in his presidential oath to protect Turkey’s independence and integrity, to honour the constitution and adhere to the principles of the founder of modern Turkey, Mustafa Kemal Ataturk.

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