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Wednesday, September 6, 2017

Man slits girl’s throat, dumps body in septic tank

Hmmmmmm....A 24-year-old man, Anusorn Saipin, has been arrested by Thailand police for allegedly slashing the throat of a five-year-old girl and dumping her body in an old septic well, at a deserted house in Kanchanaburi’s Sisawat district.

According to Bangkok Post, the young girl identified as Aye, went missing on Sunday and on the same day, police recovered a large fertilizer bag that contained Aye’s body from a septic tank about 40 metres from the girl’s house. The girl’s throat had been cut.
Surveillance footage in the area, however, showed Anusorn walking past and holding what appeared to be a construction equipment several hours before the girl’s body was uncovered.
The suspect who is a neighbor of the girl in Moo 1 village in Tambon Thakradan, was arrested at about 8.20am on Tuesday, September 5, while hiding in a forest behind a primary school.
Police said an autopsy found no trace of sexual assault although the cut across the girl’s throat was about 8cm long.

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