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Thursday, September 14, 2017

REALLY ? Sex robot dolls could be programmed to kill their owners if they are hacked, cyber security expert warns

Hehe.......A cyber security expert has warned that sex robot dolls could be programmed to kill their owners if they are hacked.
According to Dr Nick Patterson, a leading Australian academic from Deakin University in Melbourne, the internet connected commercial sex dolls are every bit as vulnerable to hackers and cyber security risks as smartphones and tablets.

Dr Patterson has said that hackers could potentially take control of the sex robot and force it to use knives or carry out other violent acts against the person using it.
The commercial sex robots are incredibly life-like and are the subject of a craze sweeping the globe currently. So widespread is the popularity of the sex robots they have featured in a number of documentaries and reports from news outlets worldwide. The dolls are so realistic they can perform sex acts on its owner and show signs of orgasm.
‘‘Hackers can hack into a robot or a robotic device and have full control of connections, arms, legs and other attached tools in some cases knives or welding devices, Dr Patterson told the Daily Star Online.
‘‘Once a robot is hacked, the hacker has full control and can issue instructions to the robot. The last thing you want is for a hacker to have control over one of these robots. Once hacked they could absolutely be used to perform physical actions for an advantageous scenario or to cause damage.’’
He added: “Robots need an operating system to operate just like our phones, tablets and laptops.
“As we have seen, it’s popular to have everything connected to the internet these days – phones, fridges, surveillance cameras, smart homes… robots are no different.”
Source: Daily Star

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