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Thursday, September 14, 2017

Dino Melaye files appeal against court judgment on his recall

Hehehe.......Senator Dino Melaye, through his counsel, Mike Ozekhome, has filed an appeal against the Tuesday, September 12th judgment of the Federal High Court Abuja, ordering INEC to continue with his recall process. Members of the Kogi West senatorial district in June this year, sent signed copies of a recall register to INEC chairman, Yakubu Mahmood, for Senator Melaye who represents them at the senate to be recalled.

Dino had approached the Federal  High court Abuja to declare the recall petition submitted to INEC Chairman, Prof. Yakubu Mahmood, as illegal, unlawful, wrongful, unconstitutional, invalid, null, void and of no effect whatsoever. The court, however, gave a contrary judgment on Tuesday.
Dino who obviously is not satisfied with the ruling, has approached the Court of Appeal in Abuja to file an appeal against the judgment. No date has been fixed for hearing on the appeal.

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