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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Congrats.....UNIBEN introduces new Course

Hehe...The matriculation of the first set of undergraduate Physiotherapy students by the authorities of the University of Benin, Benin City, Nigeria on Friday 22nd of January, 2016 has further laid credence to that fact this long awaited professional training has taken its root in the south south geopolitical zone of Nigeria. The Pioneer Head of the Department, Dr.Kayode Oke confirmed in a chat with our correspondent that the department has admitted its first set of students into the programme which is a further indica­ tion that the department commenced full academic degree
training. He added that the department had secured the National Universities Commission's accreditation after it succeeded in its resource verification exercise which was conducted last year. Okeh added that it is a thing of joy to see the department commence full academic programme within the short time of its establishment, adding that this gives credence to the value the management of the University attached to this all important area of medical training which has been lacking inthe entire South South geopolitical zone ofthe country for many years. He added that the management of the University of Beninneeds to be commended for taking the lead in this direction. Recall that the senate of the University of Benin approved the establishment of    the Physiotherapy Department in 2013 and started the recruitment of personnel into the department in 2014. Dr. Oke has been the pioneer Head of the department and heis happy to see the department developingso fast. The Department now boosts of a full complement of staff which cut across academic and non academic cadres. Its facilities are in clear conformity with the requirements for full and standard academic training for physiotherapy in Nigeria and in line with the international acceptable standards. Okeh added that the young department carried out other activities in the universitywhich are in line with the mission and goals of the university administration.

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