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Saturday, May 16, 2015

How often should couples have sex?...MUST READ

Hehehe.....The subject of how frequent married couples should have sex has often been debated. While many are of the opinion that the more of sex couples have, the better, some others have maintained that the less of it is better. Both groups usually give reasons for their opinions. This is why Saturday PUNCH asked some Nigerians how often couples should engage in the act
In the morning, day and night
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Femi Fabunmi
Because we are legally married, there is nothing wrong in having sex with my wife everytime – as long as we want it. However, in reality, it is not possible in a place like Lagos where you have to go to work in the morning and return late in the night. Where then is the time to have it? If not for that hindrance, sex is something that heals the body and soul and so it should be done in the morning, day and night – like pills. In that way, one will feel forever attached to one’s spouse and there will not be an occasion to fall into temptation.
Anytime, as long as they want it
Odudu Favour
Couples should understand themselves as they are in the position to answer this question better. What is applicable to a couple may not be applicable to another. Some could enjoy having it every day while others may not. I think it depends on our body systems and the agreement between the two parties. But generally speaking, couples could have sex as frequently as they want it.
Not everytime
Daniel Johnson
I do not believe couples should have sex all the time. In fact, it should be moderated to avoid being addicted to it. Like people usually say: too much of everything is bad, no matter how good it is. Water is good, but if you jump into the river or ocean, having the “water is good” mentality will not work there. One will drown. It’s the same thing with sex. If it is too much, it could affect one’s brain and if one fails to do it on a particular day, it could result into mental disorder.
It shouldn’t become an addiction
Fadahunsi Kehinde
Becoming addicted to sex is like drug addiction. Once you set the fire burning, you can’t quench it. Sex is good, but it is not something that should be turned to an everyday adventure. It should be done less often to avoid thinking that without it, one cannot survive. We’ve all probably heard of people who say they couldn’t survive without sex. That’s how far the thinking has damaged their mind. Sex is good and honourable for married people, but it should not be treated like medicine or food.
Is it food?
Adepoju Saheed
People discuss sex too often as if it is food. Personally, I can survive without having it in a long time. For instance, if I am a maritime engineer and often stay on the sea for three months to six months, where will the time come to perform the act everytime? Sex is not food and it should not be treated as such. There are a lot of things one should focus on that will yield much benefit to the mind than sex. It’s even becoming disgusting the way I hear even teenagers talk about sex these days. People should take it easy.
Twice a week is okay
Jato Wariebi
It is not to be done frequently. Twice a week is okay, according to me. Sex takes time to enjoy, so if couples want to enjoy it very well, they could set aside specific days in the week to engage in it. I would like to recommend two days in a week – probably one weekday and the other in the weekend. That should be enough to keep the love between them burning each week. People often make the mistake that sex ties us together, but I tell you, companionship, or rather, communication, does it better. You can stay off sex for a month and still love your partner very much, especially when both of you are real friends.
Whenever they want it
Samuel Fakunle
Why did God create sex organs and sex feeling if not to quench it? Married couples can have it whenever they want it. God is not sad about it. They can do it anywhere, anytime they feel doing it. I believe that many people pretend when it comes to the issue of sex and they present themselves as saints. They should stop that. Go for it anytime you want it with your spouse and at the end of it all, there will be testimony. There will be happiness in your home and there will be no room open for infidelity.
There are other things to do
Clara Adesina
If we’re created just for sex alone, God wouldn’t have mandated us to work. The mind needs to be engaged with doing so many important things, but if we occupy it with sex thoughts alone, it will do much damage to our lives. There are a couple of discoveries yet to be made in our world and they could only be discovered by people who think forward – who desire change. Thinking about sex all the time would hinder one from achieving other important things in life.
Vincent Afolabi
Moderation is the keyword here. Too much sex can destroy a man’s life. Instead of doing other things, one will only be thinking of sex. There should be a boundary set to avoid doing it all the time. If I like having it frequently, what if I travel to somewhere and my wife is not around? Wouldn’t I be tempted to look for another woman that will help me satisfy the urge? It is better to avoid the addiction if I want to engage my mind in doing other things.
Sex should be treated like exercise
Bidemi Adeyemi
How often should you have exercise? I guess the answer would be ‘as frequently as possible’ for many people. In fact, health experts recommend exercise should be done daily. Going by recent studies which state that sex is a form of exercise, it means sex too should be performed every day. And by this, I mean it’s only for married couples, not for boys and girls. If couples enjoy it, what stops them from engaging in it as often as they want it? In summary, just like exercise, sex should be done daily. This is my submission.

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