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Friday, March 20, 2020


Coronavirus UK: Death toll rises by 40 to 177 with 3,355 cases

UK's coronavirus death toll rises by 40 to 177 in biggest daily spike yet as 714 more Britons test positive for the life-threatening illness – taking infection toll to almost 4,000

NHS England announced 39 more patients had died, with the oldest victim being a 99-year-old. Wales also recorded another fatality today. Eighteen of the deaths were recorded in London, the centre of Britain's escalating outbreak. England has yet to update its infection toll but hundreds more cases are expected. Some 3,355 patients have been struck down in the UK already. But the true size of Britain's outbreak is currently being masked because authorities have decided to only test patients in hospital. Officials fear up to 180,000 people may have already caught the virus, with experts estimating 1,000 cases for every one death..
The spike in fatalities comes as:
  • Boris' coronavirus strategy could fail and leave the NHS on the brink unless at least half the public obey self-isolation and 'social distancing' rules, Number 10's own experts have warned.
  • Brits are threatening to boycott JD Wetherspoon today after its chairman refused to shut pubs and claimed there have been 'no transmissions of coronavirus in bars'
  • The UK firm behind a cheap DIY coronavirus test which is '98 per cent accurate' claims its offer to mass produce them for the NHS has fallen on deaf ears
  • The NHS will write to 1.4 million vulnerable Britons to tell them to self-isolate and not leave their homes from Monday
  • Furious Britons are lashing out at selfish panic-buyers who are raiding shelves and leaving those most in need without food and essential supplies 
  • Scientists say diarrhoea and loss of appetite could be early signs of coronavirus after studies show almost half of patients experience one or more digestive symptoms 
  • Teachers could be forced work through the Easter holidays and at weekends to care for the children of coronavirus key workers after the 'majority' of parents asked for school spaces through the crisis

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