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Thursday, December 13, 2018

SEE BLASTING...........Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl

Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl
Days ago, the story of a 70-year-old Alhaji who married a 15-year-old girl in Niger state caused massive outrage. But a comment by a Muslim on Twitter has generated even more buzz.
Reacting to a much older man marrying a girl young enough to be his granddaughter, @its_shamex said:

It’s his choice and also if there’s an agreement between the two parties and the marriage was done Islamically then I see no problem.
Islam permits such thing. Ango Ka Sha Kanshi... Allah ya Albarka ci Auren, Ameen.

Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl

He added:
If it’s right in ISLAM, then I see no problem with it, judging based on facts and the holy glorious book of Allah..

Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl

Social media users criticized him for his mentality in spite of his education but he stood his ground and said: "May Allah guide us all."
He went on to add:
Wallahi early marriage is really good, it’s even sunnah in Islam, do you know how dangerous it’s when a girl reaches the state of getting married and still she’s not married? It’s very very dangerous..
When asked if he would give his underage sister or daughter away in marriage to an elderly man, the building contractor replied:
If she loves him and he’s a true believer . I would give him my daughter wallahi tallahi.
See some reactions to his tweets below.
Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl
Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl
Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl
Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl
Muslim man blasted for saying he sees nothing wrong with a 70-year-old Alhaji marrying a 15-year-old girl

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