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Saturday, September 16, 2017

WATCH ABEG.......‘Don’t teach wrong doctrines’ – Pastor Ojibani blasts Apostle Suleman [VIDEO]

Hehehe.......Founder and Senior Pastor of Covenant Singles and Married Ministries, Pastor Chris Ojigbani, has cautioned Apostle Johnson Suleman of Omega Fire Ministries (OFM) Worldwide against teaching wrong doctrines.

He gave the warning in reaction to a sermon preached by Suleman in which he permitted his members to leave a marriage if their spouse had lied about their fertility.
Suleman had said in his sermon last week: “You entered marriage with somebody who you discovered told you a destiny lie; a lady had no womb, she hid it from you, a man was impotent, he hid it from you. Now you are married you found out he’s impotent.
“I’m not saying he told you before marriage and both of you decided to pray about it, that’s understandable. But he lied! And he’s impotent. She lied! And she has no womb. And you already enter. Get out!
“You say ‘Apostle, are you saying divorce?’ It’s not divorce because before the sight of God, that is no marriage, that is deception. It’s not divorce, it;s dissolve.
In the law court, that is not marriage, that man can be sued and can be arrested.”
Reacting, Ojigbani, who posted a 10-minute video on YouTube on the issue said: “I am here to correct an error made by Pastor Suleman Johnson. I watched one of the videos where he spoke on divorce. He actually encouraged divorce and I cried in my heart.
“I was so shocked when I watched the video. The most annoying part of it is the fact that he used the law court to support his teaching. In Christianity, it is very wrong to use the law as your basis of teaching. In Christianity, we use the Holy Bible as our basis of authority. So let us go to the Bible and correct the wrong teaching.
“What has the Bible got to say concerning divorce? The first thing I would like you to know about marriage is that marriage is a covenant, a covenant between a man and his wife, and God confirms it.
“Rather than asking people to divorce, pray for them and they will have their desired miracles. That is what Christianity is all about, especially if you are a man of God. You should pray for people to have their desired miracles rather than teaching them to divorce.
“Do you know the extent of damage this wrong teaching has done to the kingdom, in the Christian community? Do you know how many people are planning to divorce now because of this wrong teaching?
“I would like to state here that this is not a personal spite against Pastor Suleman Johnson. No! It is not at all. I don’t even know him personally. All I am doing is to correct the wrong teaching so that people are not led astray.
“So why am I correcting it? Because it is a mandate from God. The next question is: Is this mandate in the Bible? Yes! It can be found in Book of 2Timothy 4:2. In that scripture, the Bible says rebuke and correct wrong doctrines and that is exactly what I am doing.
“I also want to use this opportunity to sound a note of warning. Make sure you don’t teach wrong doctrines, especially in the area of marriage. Because if I hear any wrong doctrine that is being taught, I will correct it. And I will not correct it in the secret. I will correct it in the openly just as the Bible prescribes.
“Enough is enough! We are tired of wrong teachings. They are too many. The marriage institution has been destroyed today because of wrong teachings. Enough is enough! Let’s make sure that every message we teach is correct before teaching. If you are not sure it’s correct, please don’t teach it.
“Divorce is never the solution. Please don’t divorce your spouse. If Jacob was deceived into marrying Leah and that marriage stayed. The marriage was not dissolved because Jacob had already entered into the covenant. If you are already married, do not divorce your spouse. Look for solution to your problem. God will help you. Our God is a God of miracle. Therefore what God has joined together, let no man put asunder?”

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