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Saturday, July 23, 2016

WOMEN DEY SUFFER OOOO......Travails of the childless wife: ‘Our loving homes have become matrimonial hell’


Hmmm....In the company of her only son, Ms. Funmilola, 37, walked the length of the recreation park before settling into one of the benches at the extreme. With her dark sunglasses on, she tried as much as possible to seclude herself from the merrymaking that had rented the atmosphere.

It was a public holiday, and understandably, many fun seekers, comprising women, men and children had trooped into the park to have some good time. They all seemed to be having fun, except the single mother of one who sat quietly, cuddling the boy, whom she had recently adopted. The three-year-old munched the biscuit in his hands in a guileless manner as if there was nothing in sight to worry about.
Funmilola has virtually become a recluse following the painful experience she had in her marriage of 11 years before her husband finally sent her packing, simply because she could not conceive.
Her story touches the heart deeply, but no one would imagine she had been through hell in her matrimonial home until she shared her story to our correspondent after an agreement to meet for a discussion at the popular park that Thursday afternoon.
Their love affair that used to be envied by many became one that was largely characterised by frustration and abuse, such that neighbours and friends had become peacemakers before they dissolved it.
In an emotive voice, she recalled that from assault, name-calling, insults, constant abuse to starvation, the past ten years had been the worst of her life, simply because they didn’t have a child.
“It got to a point that I asked myself if I was still living with the same man I married; he suddenly became a beast, beating me on any slight provocation, calling me barren, harlot and useless, just because I couldn’t conceive,” she said as she wiped her tears the ninth time within three minutes.
childless womanShe continued, “He was my best friend before we got married. We had a beautiful wedding, so our honeymoon was fun. We were ready to have children as quickly as possible so we could move on. But, one year after, there was nothing, second year passed, I didn’t conceive. Then I became apprehensive.
“We went for several tests, but doctors told us to be patient. Doctors told us we were both okay medically, but nothing changed. In some places, they said it was mere anxiety that was stopping me from conceiving, so they told me to be calm. In some other places, they said he had low sperm count, so we had to review his diet. I guess we did our best.
“He assured me of his love and I tried to be calm, but knowing the kind of mother-in-law I had, coupled with the fact that he is the only male child, I was getting worried, because the woman was already being hostile to me, singing and talking in proverbs.”
With the kind of support and understanding Funmi enjoyed from her husband, she should have nothing to worry about.
But as if her husband suddenly got hold of a medical report that indicted her, Funmilola recalled that the way her husband suddenly changed in the 10th year of their marriage remained a mystery she had yet to decipher.
She continued, “He became something else. He refused to eat at home and he started treating my family members with disdain anytime they came around. His mother started frustrating me and she once told me that I should leave her son’s house if I was no longer comfortable. As if those were not enough, he started beating me, saying I was rude to his mother. And I wasn’t. I couldn’t have, because I have parents too. He continued like that for months until he threw my things out of the house one evening early in the year.
“Before that, I visited places that my faith would ordinarily not permit, because all I wanted was a child, but nothing came out of it. That was how I started living alone. I cried for months, but that didn’t bring any succour.
“I have adopted a child now and I’m okay with that. Sometimes, I ask myself why I got married in the first place. Maybe I shouldn’t have bothered. This boy gives me utmost joy,” she said as she cuddled the boy who had been eating biscuit all along.
Funmilola’s experience is quite disturbing and many who know her would empathise with her, but that is just one of the excruciating experiences that women go through in their marriages if they are unable to conceive.
In Nigeria and some other parts of the world, even when there are no reasons to suggest that the woman is the cause of the problem, they often bear the brunt of the inability of their union to produce a child. Many have lost their homes while several others whose marriages are still intact are having hellish experiences, hoping it would soon be their turn to rejoice.
Unlike Funmilola, who has settled for adoption and has vowed not to love or marry again, Sola remarried two years after she was booted out by her husband. She is now blessed with two children, but that is not enough reason to let go of the agonising experience that characterised her first marriage.
He was her first love and they thought they had a promising future together. They also had a number of joint investments worth millions with which they had planned to raise their (un)born children. But all those fantasies have eluded them now as they are no longer together.
She explained, “He was my first love. We met while in the university and we had a satisfying courtship. We got married and things were going on smoothly between us. We were both employed, so we decided to have joint investment. I earned a little more than him, and because he paid the bills, I invested more in the business. But we didn’t have a child.
“Initially we were not worried because doctors told us it was not abnormal, so, we were not troubled, but we kept trying. After the fourth year, Ibukun, as she fondly called him, started behaving somehow. He wouldn’t eat in the house; sometimes he would come back home drunk, he started womanising; he was abusive and then it became very frustrating for me.”
If those were just the things she faced, she probably wouldn’t have opted out of the marriage. But Ibukun took things to another level when he started beating her, bringing other women home and openly told her he would not make love to her again because she had “not justified the ones he had deposited in her.”
“While philandering with other women he was carrying about, he impregnated two of them, and he would still bring them home and beat me. His sisters would humiliate me and call me names and he wouldn’t say anything. I didn’t want to leave because of the stigma attached to women who are divorced, so I reported him to his mother, who told me it is an abomination to be childless in their lineage. After a disagreement one afternoon, he threatened to kill me if I didn’t leave. He brought out his gun and almost shot me.
“My brother, my life is more important, even though I won’t let go of my life savings that I had invested in the business. We’ll share it because I don’t even want to have anything to do with him again. I’m happy where I am, but that man treated me badly, and I won’t forget that experience. He became the worst thing to happen to me. Perhaps I would have been better if I never met him,” she concluded.
Frustration, lamentation and regrets of varying proportions are central to the experiences of women who have delay in having a child, as childbirth is seen as compulsory in a marriage, at least in the African setting. When such men come under pressure from family members and friends, the wives end up taking the hit at home.
Even though findings have shown that men are as responsible for infertility as women, women are often being treated as being the root cause of the issue, which sometimes subject them to harsh treatment from their husbands.
Some of such women who are still waiting for the fruit of the womb, as it is so called, told us that their experiences in their husbands’ homes had been very traumatic, saying their spouse who should have stood in the gap for them became their worst enemies. In situations where the husband tries to understand, mothers-in-law could emerge as the pain in the neck.
Notably, some of these traumatised women left their husband’s houses in one piece, but Mrs. Bimbo Ajijola lives every day of her life with broken heart, also for not having a child.
In her narrative that could move anyone to tears, the depressed civil servant recalled how her husband of five years gave up on their bid to have a child, as she could not conceive.
“We both did several tests, but we were assured that we would have a child. My husband became impatient. He said he was tired of having sex with me because all the ones he had been doing had not produced any result and he wasn’t ready to waste his sperm again, unless I would give him ‘blow job’. I rebuked him for making such suggestion to me.”
In a bid to save her marriage, Ajijola, who clocked 45 few months ago, said she visited many prophets for prayers but nothing came out of it.
“There was a time a prophet was praying for me and was touching my tummy. He said God had forgiven me for those abortions that I did. He said it was my numerous abortions that caused my childlessness, whereas I have never had an abortion before.
“In fact, it was my husband who had low sperm count, and we both knew but I couldn’t tell the prophet he was lying because I didn’t want to expose my husband. Even his family members saw me as the culprit. So, I had to bear all the insults.
“I went to many places all because I wanted a child, but nothing came out of it. I lost so much money to prophets who assured me that I would be pregnant, but nothing to show for it.”
They still live together, but they are like mere tenants, as nothing, apart from sexual intercourse, brings them together. “He doesn’t talk to me again, unless in the presence of visitors, and I’m getting used to it. I keep praying to God and believing Him to do a miracle,” she added.
While Ajijola has some relative peace in her own home, even though their communication had broken down, Amina Ibrahim (not real names) has lost count of how many times her husband had locked her out of the house at night for not getting pregnant.
She didn’t mince words when she told Saturday PUNCH that the hurt she feels in her marriage is something that might not go away, adding that she might opt out of the marriage anytime soon.
The couple who live in a tenement apartment in Ogba, Lagos had attracted the wrath of their neighbours and landlord several times in their 10-year-old marriage, owing to their endless fight.
She lamented that her husband had compelled her to take several concoctions from different sources which had not yielded any result, hence, her reluctance. “I promised not to take any more medicine and then he has not stopped beating me,” she said.
The husband, popularly known as Alfa, said he never meant to assault his wife but that owing to their childlessness, their spiritual father had given her a medicine to use regularly to facilitate her conception, but that she had refused to use the medicine.
“That is the cause of the fight most of the time. We want a child, we sought for help and we were given a potion, but instead of taking it, she would be saying it tastes very sour. I’m always irritated anytime she gives me that excuse. So, why won’t we fight? If not that I have sworn not to marry a second wife, we would have parted ways. I want a child but she’s not cooperating.”
Therefore, it is not for nothing that women who have waited for years and are able to conceive eventually act as if they had been freed from captivity.
While these women have continually been in the eye of the storm, even when they are not at fault, some have had to visit or consult persons who would end up duping them or taking advantage of them, including fake clerics, fortune-tellers and falling prey to the tactics of some hospitals, coupled with the fact that adoption is not well embraced in this part of the world.

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