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Friday, July 8, 2016

This girl was suffering from Anorexia nervosa

hehehehe....Anorexia nervosa, often referred to simply as anorexia, is an eating disorder characterized by a low weight, fear of gaining weight, a strong desire to be thin, and food restriction. Many people with anorexia see themselves as overweight even though they are in fact underweight.  If asked they usually deny they have a problem with low weight. Often they weigh themselves frequently, eat only small amounts, and only eat certain foods. Some will exercise excessively, force themselves to vomit, or use laxatives to produce weight loss. Complications may include osteoporosis, infertility and heart damage, among others. Women will often stop having menstrual periods.

A girl made a remarkable come back after being in intensive care for 7 months due to anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder characterized by an obsessive desire to lose weight.

The worst part of her condition was that every time she thought she was getting better, and was released from the hospital, she would have a relapse and get more thinner and more ill.
At her lowest point, she was so weak she could barely walk and her body was covered in bruises.
In her own mind she thought she had weight to lose, until her brother came to the rescue and helped her with fitness, feeding and medication.
Her brother who was a body builder, put her on an exercise program that involved weights, while adding foods to her diet to build her up.
She began to gain muscle and add weight, arriving at a healthy weight and now looks very good.
More photos...

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