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Tuesday, July 19, 2016

SEE....50 cent shades Donald Trump with his wife's nude photo AND Ten things you didn't know about Donald's wife

hehehehe...Check out the nude picture below;

"Trump is gonna make a porn star the First lady of America? NO I DON'T THINK SO" 

.She could be the next Jackie Kennedy: Insiders warn that Slovenian ex-model should not be underestimated. Jackie Kennedy biographer Pamela Keogh told the Daily Mail that, just like JFK's iconic wife, Melania is "beautiful, smart and keeps her own counsel", with a chic fashion sense. As far back as 2000, Melania told the New York Times that if she were ever first lady, she would be "very traditional – like Betty Ford or Jackie Kennedy".
She speaks five languages: Slovenian, English, French, Serbian and German, if you want to know. That linguistic prowess could come in handy at White House functions, but it has been suggested her thick accent is the reason she makes few public appearances alongside her immigrant-bashing husband.
She grew up in communist Yugoslavia: Far away from the glamour of New York high society, Melania was raised in a concrete tower block in then northern Yugoslavia during the rule of Communist dictator Tito. If Donald becomes president, Melania would be the first first lady to be born in a communist nation and only the second to be born abroad, after Louisa Adams, the English wife of sixth president John Quincy.
She would be the only first lady to have posed nude: In 2000, Melania was photographed in the buff for a GQ photoshoot - one memorable image had her handcuffed to a briefcase on board a private jet belonging to Trump, then her boyfriend. "We pushed the envelope a little," editor Dylan Jones says. "[It's] not exactly the kind of thing we could have asked anyone else to do – and we were surprised she said yes." As for what kind of first lady she would make, he predicted: "Probably a very good one. It's her husband I'm worried about."
The US has never before seen so much of a potential first lady, although Pat Nixon and Betty Ford both had (clothed) modelling careers.
She is raising her son as a "Mini-Donald": Barron, the couple's nine-year-old son, apparently loves wearing a suit and tie and playing golf with his dad. He also apparently shares Donald's love of bossing people around. "I call him Mini-Donald. He fired nannies, fired housekeepers," Melania said in a 2011 interview, adding that he quickly hired them back.
She's a charmer: Melania appears to win over everyone she meets, from her hairdresser - who describes her as "incapable of being mean" - to well-known names. Among her chief admirers is Wendi Deng, the former Mrs Rupert Murdoch, who enthused in an email to the New York Times:  "[Melania's] a supportive wife, great mother and a lovely person." Even veteran gossip columnist Liz Smith has nary a bad word to say about Mrs Trump, calling her a "very, very nice person".
She supports her husband's hardline stance on immigration: Although it's not surprising for a candidate's wife to back her husband's policies, some were taken aback by Melania's enthusiasm for Trump's tough rhetoric on migrants, having immigrated to the US herself. "I follow the law," she told an MSNBC interviewer. "I never thought to stay here without papers." When pressed about her husband's questionable comments on "criminals" crossing the border into the US, she was equally unfazed. "I don't feel he insulted the Mexicans," she said. "He said 'illegal immigrants.'"
But she does wish he would "act more presidential": During a rally in Arizona last weekend, Trump told the crowd that both Melania and his eldest daughter, Ivanka, don't entirely approve of his behaviour. "My wife and my daughter said to me, 'Act presidential! Act presidential!'" he said. Melania insists she isn't shy when it comes to giving her husband political advice. "I give him my opinions, many, many times," she told CNN last month. "I don't agree with everything that he says but you know, that is normal," she added. "I'm my own person, I tell him what I think. I'm standing very strong on the ground on my two feet and I'm my own person. And I think that's very important in the relationship."
And stop tweeting…: Donald has never been content to confine his gaffes to the real world. Throughout his presidential campaign, he has become embroiled in rows over his tweets, on one occasion describing Huffington Post founder Arianna Huffington "unattractive inside and outside", adding that he understood why "her husband left for a man".
A less pugnacious but nonetheless bizarre post mused that singer Katy Perry "must have been drunk" to marry Russell Brand.
The would-be president has also been notably careless with who he exchanges tweets and has twice cited an account going by the name @WhiteGenocideTM.
It's all become a bit much for his wife. Asked by NBC's Today show what habit she would like to see Trump give up, Melania didn't have to ponder the question for long. "Let's see," she said. "The tweeting."
On her own account, Melania mostly sticks to the blandest of updates – the New York skyline features heavily, as do photos of food and fashion, alongside a few innocuous snaps from the campaign trail.
But ultimately, she could prove to be his secret weapon: "Dismiss her at your peril," insiders told the Telegraph. "She's beautiful, sassy and smart." While it may have become a cliche in US politics, Melania could be just what Trump's campaign needs - especially if he ends up going head-to-head with Hillary Clinton.  "In his wife, Trump may have the secret weapon he needs to help keep that Trump surge going strong," says CNN.

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