hehhehe....The shape and size of a woman’s breast keeps changing during her life and depends completely
on genetic factors, climate conditions, diet, lifestyle and the kind of support they are give during and after development.
It has been found that the shape and size of the right and left breasts
for no women are identical. In fact it is quite common that one breast
will be larger then the other.
Read moreThere are a variety of breast
shapes and types. We have tried to broadly classify them into 8
categories. Numbers 6, 7, and 8 are sub classified under common
abnormalities found in women.
1. The perfect breast shape
2. Sagging breasts
3. Swooping Breasts
4. Small Breasts
5 Large Breasts
Common Abnormalities:-
6. Constricted or Tubular Breast
7. Pigeon or Pectus Carinatum
8. Pectus Excavatum
1. The Perfect Breast Shape: The
Nipple is pointed outwards and is parallel to the ground. The breast
should be well toned and supple with no evidence of sagging.
breast shape is quite rare. Often when women go for cosmetic breast
surgery, they are not only try to reduce or increase the size and shape
of their breasts but they also wish for that perfect shape.
perception of perfect breast shape may also vary from culture to
culture. What one society may find as the perfect breast shape, another
society may brand it as not the desired shape.
2. Sagging Breasts: The nipples point downwards while the breasts also droop towards the ground.Gravity
always seems to work against anything that tries to stand erect and
breasts are no exception. Sagging of breast can be due to a variety of
reasons. Usually this can be quite commonly found in women as they age
towards their menopause; the Tissues holding the breast up, start to
lose their elasticity and strength.
In Younger women if sagging occurs it is generally due to insufficient support provided to the breast during its
at puberty. The tough tissues which provide support to the breasts may
end up breaking or getting weak and causing the breast to sag down.
Wearing the right bra during the developmental years could have
prevented breast sagging for these women. The only permanent corrective
measure would involve corrective plastic surgery.
In some cases,
it has also been found that women with large breasts may end up having
sagging or drooping of the breasts. The level of sagging of the breasts
often depends on the amount of fat tissues in them.
breasts have gone saggy after three children so I wanted to perk them up
and make them smaller [on having breast reduction surgery] - Jordan
3. Swooping Breasts: The breasts do not sag but
slightly bend inwards above the areola. This results in the breast to
bend so the nipples point upwards and are slightly vertical to the
4. Small Breasts:
Are found to have very little volume of fatty tissues in them. They
usually have smaller nipples and areolas with little cleavage in-between
the two breasts. Hence small breasts are not always welcomed by women.
5. Large Breasts: Women
with large breasts have a high volume of fatty tissues in their
breasts. The nipples and areolas can often be found to be bigger with
women with large breasts. To prevent sagging it is vital that women
with large breast wear the right kind of bra support.
Common Breast Abnormalities:-6. Constricted or Tubular Breast: Often
called as tuberous breasts, tubular breasts or constricted breasts,
they are visibly narrow cylindrical or tubular in shape like egg
This breast shape is found to have extremely small nipples and areolas.
In some cases the nipple may be overtly prominent due to the breast
tissues being herniated or squeezed into the tip. The constricted breast
shape means that the two breasts are far apart due to the small base.
breast shapes are classified more along the lines of being defective
breast anomaly. They can be corrected through cosmetic breast surgery.
However it is vital that the procedure is carried out by a skilled
breast surgeon.
7. Pigeon or Pectus Carinatum:
These are severely deformed breasts that lie almost flat against the
chest. The breastbone protrudes forward. And the breasts do not truly
look like breasts.
The cause of pectus carinatum is thought to be
due to congenital defects. Corrective breast surgery is advised for
women in this category. The surgeon usually reshapes the breasts using
8. Pectus Excavatum: This is the opposite of the pectus carinatum. Here the chest sinks in and is also referred sometimes as the sunken chest.
These pictures include women of Anglo-/Teutonic European, Semitic, N.
Mediterranean, and N. East Asian, Native American, Black or African
Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander, Hispanic, and mixed descent
who come from a wide variety of cultural backgrounds. The main point
is: there is enormous variation in what is normal. Sizes and shapes vary enormously. So don't worry, ladies!
Disclaimer: Some stories below are very frank and may mention
various kinds of events and difficulties in people's lives (e.g.
anorexia). 007b.com does not necessarily endorse everything that is
depicted in the stories/pictures.
"Age: 23. I used to be much more uncomfortable
with my small breasts when I was younger, but I've
moved on, for the most part. I never really got much negative attention
for being small, which helped. It also helps that my sweetheart doesn't
mind them at all.
I have scoliosis which causes my left breast to stick out more than the
right, almost a full cup size. My condition isn't exactly rare, though, so
I'm submitting this for the "normal breasts" gallery."
"I am 25 years old, have never been pregnant nor breastfed. I've been straddling the
overweight/obese line for about ten years now, and in that time my breasts
have gone from a 34D to a 38G. I have stretch marks along the sides but
they've faded to practically skin tone over the years. My nipples have been
pierced, which I think made them bigger. I do wish my breasts were a bit
smaller, because the back issues I have before I've even hit 30 are horrible
and finding bras that are both attractive and supportive is an expensive
"Hello, I'm an 18 year old woman. I'm
overweight, probably considered "morbidly obese. My breasts have stretch
marks on the side, and you can see a few of the veins. My nipples are
pretty much all areola; the actual nipple only pops up when it's cold
etc. I've always been comfortable with my breasts, and in fact I love
them quite a
bit. They're not perfect, but that's perfectly fine with me."
"I'm 24 years old and I've never been pregnant.
I've always been skinny. All the women in my family have huge boobs (D
and up), so I'm hoping mine will catch up one day! My mother had small
boobs when she was my age and hers got big when she was pregnant. I
think I'm about a 34A. I like to run, so I appreciate not having to wear
a sports bra. I would like to be a bit bigger and I often wear gel
inserts in my bra to balance me out, although not in a bikini. I'd never
get surgery, because I don't agree with the idea of permanently
changing your body to fit in. I'm pretty happy with my body and I'm glad
that it's healthy, which I think is the most important thing. My
sweetheart is happy with my body too. I think he'd like it if I had
slightly bigger boobs, but he's always said he loves my body because
it's me."
"Thank you so much for making this site. I am 22 years old. As I was
developing, I remember thinking it was strange that my areolas were larger
than my friends, and later, that my breasts were also much saggier. It
caused me a lot of stress as a teenager: I wanted to be able to go braless
like my girlfriends; I felt like I had missed out on the perky breasts every
woman experiences (which I now know is so not true). I am coming to a point now of
acceptance of my body. I may not have perfect breasts, but what does that
really mean, or matter? I would rather focus on the fact that I am fortunate
to not have breast cancer... to appreciate my health."
"I'm 23 y-o from a southern european country. I
have never been pregnant. I usually wear a 34A bra. I've no stretch
marks, and I've been almost like that since I was 12, I think (I
developed quite fully just after my first period, I was almost 12). I've
always been quite athletic. I feel like I'm not well proportioned, I
wish I had larger breasts, that would fit nicer on my lower part body. I
feel 'large', I'm about 34 - 25.5 - 37.5. Though I like the shape of my
breast. Thank you for this site. So a great idea!"
"I'm 22, 34B, never been pregnant. During my
early teens, I felt self-conscious about my breasts being smaller. From
looking at porn, I wished
they were rounder and fuller. Now, I like them a lot :)"
"18 years old. I lost alot of weight due to bulimia at age 15. I have some stretch marks.
I wish my breasts were a bit larger, though!"
"I am an 18-year old who has never been pregnant. I am self-conscious about my large areola and the asymmetry of my breasts."
"I am 20 years old. I started developing
breasts pretty early on and was wearing a B cup in 3rd grade, a C cup in
5th grade, and by the time I was in 8th grade I was in a 42DD. That was
the last time I got professionally fitted and even though I had lost a
couple of pounds after that I continued to wear the size 42DD on the
last hook. (No one ever told me anything about proper bra etiquette.) I
have always hated having larger breasts. When I was a C cup in the 4th
and 5th grade I used to wear a hot jacket throughout the whole
year, always zipped, even during the spring and summer months so that I
could hide their size. I was also sexually harassed in the 8th grade. At
one point in time, I thought about breast reduction surgery, not for
pain, but for aesthetic and personal reasons.
In college I suffered from anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa and lost
a large amount of weight. When I was finally measured again at the age
of 19 I was wearing a 30H and I am now in a 28F. I would like to squash
stereotypes about larger cup sizes and add that after finding the proper
bra size, my back does not hurt and I can also fit my F cups into an
XS/S top with no problems at all. Although it is hard finding bras with
petite band sizes in larger cup sizes, when I do, all of them are very
cute albeit expensive.
Now that I have lost weight, they have gotten somewhat saggier and have
stretch marks along the top and sides. I have also noticed they have
lost a lot
of breast tissue at the top and are flatter in this area. I think seeing
regular breasts on your site has helped me gain a little more
confidence as I no longer feel like the odd one out! Thank you!
When I was going through the gallery, I was actually envious of some of
the women with fuller and plumper breasts, even if they were saggy or
asymmetrical. I found it funny that some of them hated theirs just as
much as I hated mine! It just goes to show how we pick ourselves apart
with trivial concerns."
"I am an eighteen-almost-nineteen year old.
I'm tall at 5'11". As a kid, I was a late bloomer, but when I did, I
bloomed very quickly, giving me stretchmarks along the outer sides of my
breasts (and on my buttocks) Due to a bum knee I don't get the amount
of physical activity I should, but due to a fast metabolism and good
diet nonetheless remain at a healthy weight. However when I get sick
I'll lose a drastic amount of weight (three belt holes in two weeks)
which is always a struggle to put back on, this causes a fluctuation in
the sizes of my breasts, which is only ever exaggerated when I'm on the
rag (they get bigger and very tender). I'm not really sure what size I
am, the bras that I own and wear range from a 36B to a 34D. When I did
go to a consultation, the woman said that I have B cup breasts, but
because of my ribcage size, I'll end up wearing a seemingly larger bra.
When I was younger I really used to dislike how far apart my breasts
were and the chest acne, however thanks to growing up near hippies and
communes, I quickly lost that disposition. Now I enjoy going to topless
beaches and have accepted myself for myself."
[The same woman as on the left, three years later.]
"I submitted myself to the normal breasts gallery about three years ago,
and I thought it was pretty interesting, especially being as how my
body has changed since then. Changed in the breast area specifically
without any significant weight gain or loss or change in lifestyle
except in growing older and maturing physically. My physical change was
one that I regard positively and I think it could be good for those who
would like to see changes or growth in their breasts and are still at a
fairly young age. I thought I had finished growing in that manner and
wouldn't see any drastic changes until pregnancy, but lo and behold I
had to go up a full cup size and am now a C. It was a very rapid
change, happening in the span of a week and hasn't left, proving it
isn't just "period boob" I've hidden my lower arms behind myself as I
did before to hide some rather distinguishing tattoos but otherwise,
here's a two-parter with three years in between, just to show how much a
little time can change things."
"I originally found the 007 Breasts website while looking up breast lift
surgery. It was so encouraging to see all the women who submitted their
pictures and stories. It really helped me to feel that I am not so alone.
Unfortunately I still haven't accepted how saggy my breasts are. I cannot
afford to get a breast lift and I dislike the idea of not being able to
breast feed one day. So whenever I am really down, I pull up your website to
remind myself that I am not alone in my breast shape. I'm 29 years old, 5'2" and my
weight has been between 115-125 pounds my entire adult life. As long as I
can remember, my breasts have been saggy and my nipples have pointed
downwards. I've worn 32-34 C-D (USA sizes) in my adult years. Right now it's
32D. I had NEVER seen breasts like mine until I discovered your site. Thanks again!"
"I have just turned 18. My bra size is 34E (USA
size) but recently my bra has been too small. My weight is just over
200 pounds so I'm not a small girl. I always have been overweight all
through high school. With my pic I will say right and left in the sense
that you are looking at me. So my right breast seems to start higher
which I thought was weird. It is also a lot flatter. The left one is
still droopy but fuller round the top. I have big breasts I would say.
They just droop a lot and I have bad stretch marks and you can see the
veins I think because I'm pale too. This site has helped me remember
that we all come in different shapes and sizes and that's not a bad
thing, I still wouldn't say my breasts are beautiful but I don't think
they're hideous either, just normal which is good :)"
"I'm 21 years old and my breasts do sag a bit
because I am a DD, but I am okay with it. Just as long as its normal.
Good site, really good for any woman who might be uncomfortable to ask a
physician. Good job!"
"At 18 years of age my breasts are a B cup and
normally have quite puffy nipples (the areola is about 4cm across and
roughly sticks out just under an inch, giving a very pointy look to my
breasts). I assumed that these were a rarity but after a bit of
web-browsing recently I discovered they aren't as uncommon as I
"I am a 20-year old British Asian. I have always been a bit on the skinny side."
A 21-year old; "I have lost some weight
and my breasts are sagging."
This lady has lost a lot of weight but is still overweight. Breasts are asymmetrical with stretchmarks.
"When I was younger, I was very self conscious. I even went to a
plastic surgeon (who end up making me feel worse about my appearance,
but I opted not to have corrective surgery). Every boyfriend I have
had has been very supportive and loving (in reference to my breasts).
I have found in my personal experience that men are just as concerned
with their imperfections as we are with our own and they know that
REAL women's breast are not what is shown on TV, movies, etc."
"First I want to say thank you for preparing
this web site. I'm a 31-year old Turkish woman. I lost 20 kg of weight
between ages 15 and 18. I think that my breasts will get saggier with
age, and I havent got erect nipples, but of course I want erect nipples.
I worry about pregnancy, after I have a child I think my breasts will
be more saggy."
Thank you..
An 18-year old. "Though I've never been
considered obese I was, at one time, rather chubby. I've been battling
bulimia for the past year and a half. Just like
the rest of my body I've always felt that my breasts are unattractive
far from "normal" because of the way they're positioned, their shape and
size of my nipples. ... I'm in the process of accepting my body and
to love myself. Thank you for creating this wonderful site. It has
helped me put things in to perspective."
"I started developing breast when I was 7. It
was always embarrassing for me to go to gym since I would be the only
girl whose chest moved. I have never been pregnant and I am currently a
size D 36. The breast on my left is smaller than the one on my right. I
am not comfortable with my areola size but I am slowly starting to
accept my breast for what they are."
"I'm 49, never had a child and I've never breastfed, unfortunately.
When I was 12 I read in a Cosmopolitan that I could tell if my
breasts sagged if I lifted one up, put a pencil under it and dropped my
boob. If the pencil fell my breasts did not sag. So I did just that.
The pencil did not fall; it completely disappeared. I had to lift my
breast and take it out.
Many years later in a very different kind of magazine I read that a good
breast is a breast that feeds and feels. That still makes me smile.
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