10. Katherine Mary Knight
A woman of Australian
origin, Katherine had an abusive childhood. She was aware of her abusive
father raping her mother upto 10 times a day. Katherine herself was a
victim of sexual abuse, raped by many of her family members till she was
about 11 years old. The psychiatrists have confirmed this as the origin
of her psychopathic behavior.
Knight is known to have
loved “slicing and dicing” men. She nearly killed her first husband by
smashing his jaw and almost strangling him on the first night after
marriage. She threw her newborn baby girl around in a pram, then left
her on the railway tracks just minutes before the train arrived. Katherine used to sleep with her boning knives next to her, and the last man
in her life, John Charles Thomas Price became a victim of this
fascination of hers. She stabbed him 37 times in the back and in the
chest, with many jabs passing through his vital organs. The infamous
“suit” of a man’s skin was Price’s, when Knight skinned his body and
hung the “suit” in her drawing room. She then cut up his body, boiled
the head in a soup, baked his buttocks, and served the “meal” to his own
9. Joseph Mengele
More commonly known as
the “Angel of Death”, Joseph was a doctor and incharge of selecting and
sending Jews to Hitler’s concentration camp at Auschwitz. He conducted
many experiments, the most famous one being on twins. To see if the
human body could be manipulated, he studied the genetic differences
among twins. Then, as the experiment progressed, he committed various
barbaric acts such as pouring chemicals into the children’s eyes to see
if this changed their eye color, inducing parents to kill their own
children, and attempting to change the sex of the children. Once, to see
if this method produced co-joined twins, Mengele sewed the children
together. Other instances include torturing people and many a times,
personally beating the prisoners at the camp to death.
8. Gaius Caesar
A member of the Julio-
Claudian dynasty, Gaius- commonly known as Caligula- was a Roman emperor
from 37 AD to 41 AD. His hunger for sexual adventures was huge, and a brain fever had left him feeling that he was God. For him, murder was a fun activity.
More than 150,000 animals were butchered for his amusement, early in
his rule. He also ordered the murder of countless people, and made it
compulsory for the victim’s family members to be audience to the murder.
Caligula was a psychotic, and liked chewing the testicles of his
victims. He had sexual relations with numerous
women, including his own sisters. He forced men to send their wives to
him for sexual pleasure. Under his rule, many people died of starvation.
7. Tracey Wigginton
Also known as the
“Lesbian Vampire Killer”, Wigginton is a self-claimed “human vampire”.
She had an insatiable thirst for blood, and herself told the court that
she survived on pig and cow blood which she would obtain from her local
butcher. Her most cold-blooded murder was that of a man named, Edward
Baldock, whom Tracy, her lesbian lover and two more of their female
friends lured into their car on promising sexual pleasure, when the man
was drunk. Tracy’s friends claim to have killed the man so that she
could drink his blood. Wigginton stabbed the man countless times in the
back and at the back of his neck, till he was nearly beheaded. She then
drank his blood as it sprouted out of his body. Wigginton’s lesbian
lover, Lisa Ptaschinski has told the court that she often used to slit
her wrists so that Tracy could drink her blood.
6. Elizabeth Bathory
Another blood-crazy
lady, 650 young women were reportedly killed during her reign, as
Bathory had them beaten, pierced, killed and drained their blood, in
which she would take a bath as she felt it made her skin softer and made
her younger. Some of her most horrid acts include burning the faces of
her servants with hot irons when they failed to work up to her
expectation, freezing young women to death by
stripping them naked on cold winter mornings and having ice-cold water
poured on them, and piercing her victims with needles. Bathory used to
bite the flesh of her victims, biting their faces, hands, and even
private parts. Some of her victims were even forced to eat their own
flesh. It is not a confirmed fact, but Bathory may have also eaten up
some of her servants.
5. Ivan
Czar of Russia from 1533
to 1584, Ivan has been called one of the most evil men in history.
Known to be aggressive right from childhood, he liked beating up,
torturing and killing both animals and people alike. He ordered the
murder of many children and forced their parents to watch the murder. He
was brutal in his style and often had his victims strangled, beheaded,
blinded, stabbed, hanged, buried alive, and even boiled and fried. There
exist records stating that he pulled out people’s ribs using red hot pinchers. Once, in a fit of rage, he murdered his own son.
4. Saloth Sar
More commonly known as
Pol Pot. Prime Minister of Cambodia from 1976 to 1979, he is the only
man in history known to have ordered a genocide against the entire
country, killing about 3 million Cambodians in his rule of four years.
He and his group, Khmer Rouge, took it upon him to bring ‘civilization’
to Cambodia. They shut down almost all the schools and ordered an
evacuation. During his tenure, Pol has been credited with ordering the
people, no matter what age, gender, class, and even pregnant women, to
work in fields during the rainy the rainy season, standing in neck-deep
water. As a result, their hands and feet would swell-up and bleed. People had no right to eat, and of found eating, they were flogged and even beaten to death. Pol had numerous
babies killed, many of them literally “torn limb-by-limb”. Prisoners
were forced to drink human urine. To top it all, Pol liked keeping the
skulls of his victims, and their lives were of no value at all to him.
3. Vlad Dracula
Also known as “Dracula
the Impaler”, he was the prince of Wallacha. His favorite method of
torturing his victims was through impalement. He would have his victims
tied up, and then impale (or insert) a blunt rod through an orifice
(opening) in the body. The orifice was sometimes the stomach or abdomen,
and many times, the buttocks. Vlad would order that a long rod be
impaled into the buttocks of the victims, and kept being pushed in till
it emerged out of the victim’s mouth. This completely damaged all
internal organs and many of the people- be it men, women, or even
babies- would suffer for hours or even days, and finally, bleed to
death. One condition laid out by Vlad was that the rods be blunt,
because if they were sharp, they would penetrate more, and the victim
would die sooner and suffer lesser. He also had his wife killed and her
vital organs cut off.
2. Adolf Hitler
Probably the most common
image of “evil” in the common man’s mind. Leader of the Nazi party and
Germany’s Fuhrer, he ordered propaganda against the Jews in Germany. All
the Jews were sent to his infamous concentration camps, which were gas
chambers with showerheads emitting hydrogen cyanide. But all Jews were
not killed just in these gas chambers- a lot of them also perished to
forced labor, starvation, poisoning, lethal injections, disease,
execution and medical experiments. Hitler also had in place, a “breeding
program”- any child who did not match his definition of Nazi
perfection, was executed.
1. Joseph Stalin
The most evil person to
have walked this Earth till date is the Soviet dictator, Joseph Stalin.
An assassin and bank robber in young adulthood, Stalin was ruler from
1922 to 1953. To overcome the debt on the Soviet Union and see it emerge
as the sole economic superpower, Stalin pushed his people into forced
labor. Under his rule, many people were beaten to death, thousands of
them gassed using mustard gas, and a lot of them killed with ice picks.
Stalin even refused to trade for his son’s life, who later died in a
Nazi concentration camp. His sole aim to bring the Soviet at par with
the US made him care nothing for his people’s lives. He killed between
20 and 60 million people. His own wife committed suicide because of his
cruel and evil practices.
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