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Friday, January 9, 2015

See what this HIV and gay brand expert Kenny Badmus is saying

Hehehe.....He just posted this on his Facebook page
One day, very soon, it will no longer be news that some us are gay because the next generation will regard all mankind with dignity, irrespective of sexuality. One day, very very soon, HIV and other such diseases will no longer be a thing to be ashamed of as those affected will live a much healthier life due to scientific breakthroughs and zero stigmatization. While those days are still far away, I will continue to write. I will write for the 10%. The misunderstood. The discriminated. I will write for the vulnerable, the outliers and the ones who love them. I will write about tenacity in the face of failures and outrages. I will write to push one more soul to look at dogma and hate in the face, and LIVE. Live against all odds. Damn people's expectations of us and wear our truths proudly. ‪#‎Live‬ *Thank you , beautiful people. I am absolutely fine.

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