According to Felix Iheme who shared the videos and photos, the incident happened in Lagos today. In one of the videos, the suspected thief is seen pleading for his life as stones were thrown at him and he bled.
His attackers can be heard speaking Igbo in the video.
"Pour fuel on his body," one man said in igbo as other machete-wielding men stood guard closeby to keep the thief from escaping.
"Biko zie (please now)," the thief pleaded.
But his pleas fell on deaf ears and they poured fuel on him. At this, he jumped up in alarm and ran away but they ran after him, some with stones, others with machetes.
He was eventually caught and a tire was thrown at him and he was set ablaze. Even while burning, he ran for his life but they caught up with him and made sure he burnt to death. He even pooped on himself out of fear as the fire consumed him.
The video is very painful to watch and a lot of social media users condemned the act but Felix said the suspect deserves it because he has killed multiple people in the neighbourhood. It is believed the jungle justice took place in Apapa, Lagos.
Watch the videos here, here, and another below.
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