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Saturday, January 13, 2018

EYAAA.........‘IVF is sinful, don’t take God’s work into your hands’- Nigerian man declares

'IVF is sinful, don't take God's work into your hands'- Nigerian man declares lailasnews 2
hehehehe............Following the move by many Nigerians to become parents through IVF amidst infertility battles, a distraught Nigerian man @Chukwukajerri, took to Twitter to declare that the scientific conception process is a sinful one, and Nigerians should stop taking God’s work into their hands.

According to him, IVF conception is a lab procreation, and not the natural standard laid down by God. His tweet read;
“IVF is sinful. We must be careful not to take God’s work into our own hands when He may have other purposes for us. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Couples must not get involved in in-vitro fertilization!
1. An ovum is obtained from the mother, usually by inducing ovulation with a series of hormone shots! 2. And sperm is obtained from the father, usually by the grave sin of masturbation. 3. These gametes from the couple are combined in a petri dish forming a living human embryo.
This type of conception in the lab is called artificial procreation. But fertility clinics do not create only one embryo; they create many embryos. Some are selected for implantation; some are selected to be frozen, for possible future implantation. And the rest are destroyed.
This deliberate direct destruction of living human embryos is the grave sin of murder; it is a type of abortion. How many embryos are murdered at this point in the process of IVF is uncertain. But the number of embryos created and then destroyed is not reported, and probably no record is kept.
In all likelihood, at least several human embryos are destroyed at this point. It is comparable to a woman who is pregnant with quintuplets (or more), and who decides to abort all of them, all at once. Next, some embryos are transferred to the womb of their mother.
Typically, two or three embryos are transferred because most transferred embryos do not survive. This choice, to undertake the procedures involved in IVF, knowing that in all likelihood most of the embryos transferred to the womb will die is also a grave sin.
It is more like the sin of putting your children in harm’s way, knowing that most of them will die as a result.
The freezing of human embryos is also a grave sin, because we can reasonably anticipate that the vast majority of frozen embryos will not be brought to birth, but will die in the freezer, or after being thawed.
The series of grave sins includes masturbation, multiple sins of artificial procreation, the killing of multiple human embryos in vitro, the deliberate choice to place multiple human embryos in a situation in which most will die (embryo transfer, freezing). But it gets worse.
Some of the frozen embryos are selected for quality assurance. These embryos are thawed, the percentage that thaw successfully is noted, the viability of the embryos that survive thawing is noted, and then any surviving embryos are destroyed.
This is done so that the clinic can keep track of the quality of its freezing and thawing procedures. It is the systematic murder of innocent prenatal human persons, for the sake of quality assurance. A more flimsy excuse for murder is unknown in human history.
I hope we all remember the story of Uzzah & how God struck him dead for touching the Ark of the Covenant. Uzzah’s punishment does appear to be extreme for what we might consider to be a good deed but this is the lesson; You don’t help God. You can’t! Just trust in him! THANK YOU!”
'IVF is sinful, don't take God's work into your hands'- Nigerian man declares lailasnews 1

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