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Saturday, July 1, 2017

Will You Expose Your Parents as a Whistleblower If You Discover They Stole Government's Money? See Interesting Answers

Some of the Nigerians who spoke on the matter
hehehhe.........Nigerians have opened up on what they will do if they found out that their parents are in possession of stolen government money. 
In recent times, billions of hidden money have been exposed courtesy of the whistleblower’s policy launched towards eradication of corruption in the society. Saturday Punch went to town and asked Nigerians whether they would be willing to expose their parents if they discovered they stole money belonging to the state
Stealing is immoral- Alomoge Ifeoluwa
Yes, I would report because stealing is immoral; stealing from the government is highly immoral and illegal. The way I report my parents is the same way I would another family because those stealing are also people’s parents. Some people might find fault with that but that is me doing what is right. It is going to be difficult but that is what is killing us in the country. You see people protecting their friends and families when what they are doing is wrong and illegal and justice would not be served. Well, someone would be arrested but I have to do what is right even if it’s painful.
I won’t expose them, law would catch up with them one day- Tolulope Fowler
In all honesty and sincerity, I would not report my parents even if I know the act is illegal. I would ask them why they had to indulge in such act because they got all sort of allowance from the government. I will try my best to advise them because there is a saying that goes, “every day for the thief and one day for the owner”. If they don’t stop, one day the law with catch up with them but I would not be the one to expose my parents.
I can’t, they are not the first or the last to steal money – Adeyemi Ademola
No, I can never do that. Nigeria is full of corruption already, so it has to go that way. They are my parents forever and we are going to spend the money together. I can’t expose them because they are not the first and I am sure they won’t be the last to steal government money. I love my parents so much and I can’t betray them because they took money from government. The government steals our money on a daily basis and I would be a bastard to expose them or anyone close to me.
It won’t be right to do that to them – Kelechi Nwankwo
That would be hard for me. First of all, the whistleblowing thing is for people who are desperate to get money, so the government provided a way to kill two birds with one stone. I might do it for the cause of justice but because they are my parents, I can’t because they are my parents for crying out loud. It’s just like being a judge presiding in a case where your father is accused of murder which may at the end take him to prison. It won’t be right for me to do that to them.
I would get in trouble too – Adegbuji Thompson
My parents will not even think of stealing government’s money because they won’t have peace of mind as they weren’t brought up that way. If they get involved in such act, I will be disappointed but I will not expose them. I have to protect their integrity and mine too. They cannot be comfortable spending such money because it won’t solve any problem. They will have to promise me that it would stop.
It is our share of the national cake – Blessing Obogun
Sincerely, I cannot expose my parents. It is our share of the national cake because government steals our money every day too. I sincerely do not care if it’s a criminal act because these people do it and get away with it, why then would I expose my own parents even if I was promised a bounty. Even those that have exposed people, how many of them have they given the so-called 10 per cent? None that I have heard of yet. I cannot and will never expose my parents. I will protect my family because they come first. It is really difficult especially in a country that the government does not promote integrity.
I will be seen as a wicked child – Djigbra Elohor
Whistle blowing would only make matters worse because they might end up in prison and my conscience would disturb me for life. But with constant prayer and advice, I believe they would change one way or the other. It will be unfair to do that to them and I will be seen as a wicked child for life. If they don’t change, it is between them and God and if they eventually get caught, I would know I played a role as a daughter by advising them but they did not listen.
The money belongs to us – Blessing Ogoh
That would be the most stupid thing to do to my biological parents. I can never expose them on something like that because this money belongs to us. Government has been stealing our money and its officials have been enjoying themselves and there is no crime if my parents take part of it. This money belongs to us and it is supposed to better the lives of Nigerians but the government is selfish. There is no way I am going to expose my parents on an issue like that.
The same government has been looting – Cassandra Nwaigba
Truth be told, I won’t expose my parents because government money is my money. The government too has been looting the treasury for long and nobody has exposed anyone, so why will I expose my very own parents when they decided to take a bite of the national cake that they’d been denied for so long? Instead of me exposing them, I would let the government find out on their own if they discover any fund missing. And if they don’t, we will enjoy the money together.
I would not expose my parents – Ileozor Begin
I would not expose my parents. I believe the government has been stealing from us; so what is the crime if my parents should take little from the government what is supposedly to be ours(civilians). It’s our money, so it’s no big deal if my parents take a percentage of it.
Via Punch Metro

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