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Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Possible Rise in Psychiatric and Hypertensive Cases as MMM Freezes Nigerian Participants Accounts - Psychiatrist

hehe......A renowned psychiatric with the federal neuropsychiatric hospital has warned of a possible rise in psychiatric cases and overwhelming nervous breakdown amongst Nigerians should the alleged Ponzi scheme MMM crash or fail to defreeze all confirmed Mavro of Nigerian participants after the one month break.

According to him, Nigerians have borrowed and sold their belongings to invest in the scheme with hopes of the attendant financial rewards. Failure to reap the benefits as promised by the scheme in addition to the current economic recession would combine to overwhelm Nigerians with otherwise sound mental functions resulting in mental breakdown, depressive and anxiety disorders
You would recall that Nigerians hoping to have good yulitide celebrations by cashing out of Mavrodo Mondial Moneybox (MMM) had their hopes dashed as their accounts have been frozen for one month. The operators of the scheme in a message sent to all subscribers said that the measure was put in place because “in the New Year season the System is experiencing heavy workload.” During the period – December 12 to January 12 – none of the participants would be able to ‘get help’ (withdraw funds deposited with the mandatory 30% interest).
Some participants who spoke with a Medicalworldnigeria.com correspondent said they feared for the worst and have resorted to daily checks in blood pressure. Another who begged to remain anonymous expressed worry and anxiety at the sudden turn of events and noted that he has begun to lose sleep over the issue. Some other participants of the scheme are not losing sleep over the freezing of accounts, claiming that the same measure was put in place in December 2015.

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