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Friday, November 4, 2016

How to get your bank loan approved

okoooo.....There’s nothing that makes you feel worse than applying for a much needed loan and having it rejected. Here are some tips that can help to improve your chances of getting your loans approved, according to www.buddyloans.com.
Review your credit history: One of your first port of call in order to improve your chances of being approved for a loan is to review your credit report.

You need to know what is on the report and also what your credit score is. Your credit score is used by lenders, in part, to determine if they will grant your loan or not. The higher your credit score, the better your chances of having your loan approved.
You also need to look for any errors or erroneous information on your credit history. If there is something there that is incorrect, or should not be there, you need to have it corrected.
Documentation: Some banks may request additional documents from you in order to underwrite or process your loan application. If you have wage statements nearby, bank statements, monthly bills, and even a detailed income and expense sheet prepared, they can make the process go smoother and quicker.
Affordability: This is not just being able to show you can afford the loan through income and expenses and wage statements, but stay within your means. Requesting a higher amount, especially without being able to show why you are requesting that amount, could cause the loan to be rejected.
Choose the right loan: You need to choose the right loan for what you are looking to borrow for. Some people choose guarantor loans. Obviously if you want to finance a car, going to specific lender that specialises in car loans is going to make the process easier and improve your chances of being approved. You also need to have a good reason for the loan. Lenders will ask you, what is the loan for? Requesting a loan to go on holiday, or using a short-term loan for a night out is a red flag to lenders. Unless you have stellar credit, the odds are against you in getting the loan approved.
Go to your bank: If you have current and savings accounts with your local bank, or have been banking with your bank for years, why not start there for your loan; they know you. By going to your bank where you have banked for years, and they can see your wages being paid in, and also what direct debits and standing orders you have, and also your account activity, can improve your chances on getting the loan approved.
References: If you feel your credit is not as strong as you think it should be in order to get a loan approved, you can look at some unconventional ways to show you are a good risk to a lender, and that is through references, and showing you pay other bills on time. You could look into getting a guarantor for the loan; that is, someone to guarantee the loan for you.

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