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Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Hi guys, She need help... .....READ ABEG

Do you think this lady's boyfriend is cheating on her?

Hi guys, I need help. I'm trying to piece together what might be going on, and I need your help.
Over the last several days my boyfriend whom I live with has just been...distant and irritable. Not violent. Not physical. Just..short tempered. Seeming on edge. Not really interested in talking much. It seemed to come almost out of nowhere. 
He goes to work earlier than I do, and this morning, while I still dozed, I heard his phone
ringing as he was getting ready for work. I glanced at the clock and saw it was exactly 8:00. My boyfriend almost always leaves the apartment at 7:50 to make sure he catches his bus to work, so whomever was calling was calling at a time he normally would have already left our home. 
I heard him walk quickly to the phone and silence it. Not pick it up or talk, just turn it off. 
So, after he left (he didn't know I was up) I did something I feel bad about. I snooped. 
I first went to his Facebook and..nothing. I mean not nothing. There were posts, all of which I had seen as his FB friend. His FB conversation were fairly banal. Some women, some men, and of the women he's spoken to, mostly "what's up?", "how you been?" "happy birthday" "congrats on the new baby". 
I looked at the profiles of the women he messaged and that have been messaging him, to see how they might know each other. The bulk of which were friends, a few work colleagues. Nothing out of the ordinary or unusual. All pretty banal mindless social networking chatter. I'm not a jealous person usually so I'm not bothered by occasional exchanging pleasantries with female friends and past acquaintances. 
I should have stopped there. 
I went into his email.
And..again nothing too out of the ordinary. Some black friday emails, stuff I sent him. Stuff from his mother. The first few pages were just very BORING.
But, on his google hangout chat window on the left, I saw two conversations. One from his ex we'll call "Amy". I didn't want to open the chat to make it look like I was there, but the last message was him to his ex Amy two days ago saying "hey, are you around?"
And then there was another girl, let's call her "Beth". I didn't recognize the name. The last message was from him "Thanks! Let me know when you want to meet up :)" smiley face included.
My final curiosity at this point got the better of me. So I checked his browsing history and again...nothing scandalous really. No secret child porn, or hookups.
But, the history shows another email account having been logged into the computer. A woman's name. Let's say "Carol". I tried to open this one but it wouldn't work. It had been signed out.
And none of this explicitly points to anything. 
All I have is a more than normally grumpy boyfriend, a strange call at 8 am he didn't pick up, him trying to reach his ex, talking in google hangouts to a girl about meeting up, and a strange female name having logged into her email account on his computer. There's no "smoking gun" here, no obvious cheating. Just a whole lot of little things.
I'm considering confronting him, but if I do it means admitting I violated his privacy and didn't actually find anything definitive. Someone, please, tell me what to do?
 Please post only comments that are useful, helpful, constructive and practical. 

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