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Thursday, May 26, 2016

THIS MAN FIT WIN OOO......Donald Trump has delegates to clinch GOP nomination

Donald Trump fired an aide for letting him look stupid in a BuzzFeed interview | Death and Taxes
hehehehe....Donald Trump has the delegates to clinch the GOP presidential nomination, according to a CNN delegate count Thursday.
While Trump has had the nomination locked down for weeks, he has now reached the threshold of 1,237 delegates with the help of previously uncommitted delegates who now support his candidacy. A handful of states, including the large prizes of California and New Jersey, will hold the final primaries on June 7. 
While Trump will not formally accept the party's nomination until the delegates cast their votes on the convention floor in July, crossing the threshold effectively puts to rest any remaining suspense about the possibility of a messy and contested convention. For months, drama and tumult have rocked the Republican Party, as a fervent anti-Trump movement launched a full-on onslaught to derail his candidacy.
But the flurry of "Never Trump" activities, including a slew of negative ads against Trump and efforts to draft a third-party candidate, ultimately proved unsuccessful.
Thursday also marks an extraordinary accomplishment for Trump.
The launch of his unlikely presidential campaign last summer was met with widespread ridicule. His wholly unorthodox campaign and rhetoric not only unsettled and alarmed GOP party leaders, but also convinced many that the first-time political candidate would soon lose steam. But if his campaign was initially underestimated by the party and political media, it soon became clear that Trump's anti-establishment, populist rhetoric had struck a nerve across the country.
"No one in American history has moved from a June 16 announcement to a May 26 winning of a majority," former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, rumored to be among the candidates on Trump's vice presidential short-list, wrote on Twitter Thursday. "Trump's achievement is remarkable."
But even as Trump and his campaign celebrate, they now have a more daunting task ahead: defeating Hillary Clinton in the general election.
Trump is up against historically high unfavorability ratings and faces immense challenges as he looks to broaden his appeal and base heading into November. The primaries revealed his weaknesses with constituencies like women and minorities.
And since essentially locking up the GOP nomination after the Indiana primary, Trump has confronted various setbacks. He must still to win over key GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan, and while he's begun to build out a national finance team, many major party donors and financiers still remain opposed to his bid.
Meanwhile, his campaign has been fraught with internal divisions — culminating in the sudden departure of top campaign aide Rick Wiley this week — that have highlighted the grave challenges Trump faces as he attempts to transition into a more professional general election candidate.

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