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Friday, November 14, 2014

UNTH wants House Officers, and others...See

unth enugu

 Applications are invited from suitably qualified candidates for appointment in the university of nigeria teaching hospital ituku/ozalla enugu into the following internship posts:

- House officers, 
- Pharmacy interns
- Physiotherapy interns
- Radiography officers 11 (interns)
- Medical laboratory scientists grade 11 (interns)
- Nutritiion and Dietetics interns
- Dental Therapy interns
- Dental Technology interns

A non refundable fee of N1000 only in bank draft made payable to university of nigeria teaching hospital, ituku/ozalla enugu state.

Cheques/postal orders are not acceptable but cash payment maybe made to the deputy director (finance) and a receipt obtained from him. where payment is made by bank draft, the full name and address of the applicant must be boldly written at the back of the bank draft.
unth enugu

Candidates for post 1 must possess any of the following (i) MB.BS (11) MB. BCH or its equivalent from a recognized university and registrable with the medical and dental council of Nigeria

Candidates for post 2 must posses a bachelors degree in pharmacy from a  recognized university and registrable with the pharmacists registration board of nigeria

candidates for post 3 must possess degree in physiotherapy from a recognized university and must have registered with the medical rehabilitation therapists  registration board of nigeria

candidates for post 4 must possess a bachelor degree in radiograpy from a recognized university or any other equivalent qualification and registrable with the radiographers registration board of nigeriamedicalworldnigeria.com

candidates for post 5 must possess a degree in medical laboratory science from a recongnized university and registrable with the medical laboratory science council of nigeria

candidates for post 6 must possess a bsc degree in nutrition and dietetics from a recognized university

Candidates for post 7 must possess a higher national diploma in dental hygiene from a recognized health institution

candidates for post 8 must possess a higher national diploma in dental technology from a recognized institution

salary scale for the posts:

post 1 CONMESS 01
Post 2,3,4,5 CONHESS 8
post 6,7,8 CONHESS 07

Referee's report:
Names of three referees should be given and they should be asked by the medicalworldnigeria candidates to forward their reports direct to the director of administration university of nigeria teaching hospital ituku/ ozalla pmb 01129 enugu

Candidates are to forward four copies of typewritten applications addressed to:
The director of administration, university of nigeria teaching hospital, ituku/ozalla, pmb 01129 Enugu

The following should be enclosed:
Four copies each of certificates and testimonials
four copies of curriculum vitae
four copies of birth ceritificates or sworn declaration of age.

CLOSING DATE: Four weeks for the date of publication (24/11/14)

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