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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Barack Obama's step-grandmother laid to rest in Kenya (photos)


Barack Obama

Barack Obama's step-grandmother Sarah was laid to rest in Kenya on Tuesday, March 30, a day after her death at age 99. 


Photos have been released showing relatives and members of the Muslim community carrying Sarah Hussein Obama's body before her internment ceremony at the family's home in Nyangoma-Kogelo village in Siaya county, western Kenya.


Sarah, who raised Barack Obama's father like her own child, was laid to rest before midday local time under Islamic rites. 


Barack Obama


On Monday, shortly after her death was announced, former US President Obama tweeted: "My family and I are mourning the loss of our beloved grandmother, Sarah Ogwel Onyango Obama, affectionately known to many as 'Mama Sarah' but known to us as 'Dani' or Granny. 


Barack Obama


"We will miss her dearly, but we’ll celebrate with gratitude her long and remarkable life."


Below are more photos from Mama Sarah 's funeral.


Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

Barack Obama

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