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Friday, November 6, 2020

Women warned to stop using toothpaste to tighten their vaginas


WTF? Women warned to stop using toothpaste to tighten their vaginas

Doctors are warning women to stop putting toothpaste in their vaginas to try and tighten it because it can do some nasty damage to the body.


Vanessa Mackay, consultant gynaecologist and spokesperson for the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists to The Sun: "It is a myth that toothpaste will tighten the vagina.


"Putting toothpaste into the vagina, or on the vulva, would not only be uncomfortable but it could also cause serious damage and disrupt the natural flora of the vagina leading to the potential for infections like bacterial vaginosis and thrush."


She also added that some toothpastes contain small particles that could also cause painful microabrasions to the vaginal walls.


Nigerian doctor, Oluwole Yusuf, also disclosed some of the nasty damage toothpaste can cause to the vagina. 


“Toothpaste is caustic and too abrasive for a sensitive body part like the vagina and using such on it can destroy the organisms meant to protect the vagina from possible infections."


“When the vagina can no longer protect itself, the body is prone to infections which could later destroy the tubes and block the chances of getting pregnant."


He urged women not to be "body shamed" by their partners and to be confident in their own skin.


 Dr. Yusuf also said that women can resort to exercises or practices to slowly tighten the vagina.


"Kegel exercises and Yoga exercise are part of the exercises that can make the vagina tight without engaging in harmful practices,’’ Dr Yusuf said.


Dr. Mackay also recommends pelvic floor exercises for women who are concerned about the tightness of their vagina.


She said: "There are various different ways in which women can carry out pelvic floor exercises but the easiest is to sit or stand comfortably with knees slightly apart and then engage and draw up the pelvic floor muscles as if trying to avoid passing urine or flatus.


"To check that the correct muscles are being exercised, women can place a finger or thumb into the vagina and squeeze the pelvic floor muscles at the same time, they should feel a gentle squeeze as the muscles contract.


“Women can build up the strength of their pelvic floor muscles by doing ten slow contractions and holding them for about 10 seconds each.


"The length of time can be increased gradually and the slow contractions can then be followed by a set of quick contractions. This process should be carried out three or four times a day.


"In some women, however, vaginal laxity may be due to pelvic organ prolapse, in which case it may be appropriate to be referred to a gynaecologist for an expert opinion."

Stop putting toothpaste in your vagina. It doesn

Nigerian doctor, Olufunmilayo has warned ladies against putting toothpaste in their vagina in a bid to get it tighter.


In a Twitter thread shared on his handle, Olufunmilayo warned against the practice, stating that it is harmful. He went on to enlist some of the dangers that ladies can be exposed to when they engage in such practice.


Read his tweets below


“Toothpaste makes vagina tight” NEVER DO IT PLS!!!! Vagina irritation Smelly vagina Abnormal vagina discharge Vagina/pelvic infections Difficulty getting pregnant. NEVER PUT TOOTHPASTE IN VAGINA NEVER PUT TOOTHPASTE IN VAGINA NEVER PUT TOOTHPASTE IN VAGINA.

The problem with bad advice is that you can never tell how far it travels. And more often than not- it tends to travel a whole lot further than good advice. And when the damage is all done- Only the owner of the vagina and her loved ones will be there to deal with all the mess.

Toothpaste is caustic, very toxic and really abrasive for a sensitive part of the body like the vagina. You put yourself at the risk of irritation, inflammation, destruction of the normal organisms that protect your vagina from infections and open up yourself to a lot of harm.

Once toothpaste destroys the normal natural organisms that keep your vagina healthy, you become prone to infections- which then causes you to have excessive, foul smelling vagina discharge and infections which can damage your tubes (and chances of getting pregnant) as a woman.

If you get a terrible infection- especially repeatedly- if you don’t learn your lessons quick and desist- The infection can ruin your tubes- You can later in life find it difficult to get pregnant from the blocked tubes- Or if you get pregnant- it may be in an abnormal place.

So ask yourself again- Is it worth it? To what end? This whole obsession with “tight vagina” is very unhealthy and is driving some people absolutely insane. You need to really slow down and stop being eager to try adventurous nonsense ideas that can potentially ruin your womb.

I have said it repeatedly- The vagina cleans itself, by itself, in its own way, with its own juices and remains sparkling clean - without needing any help from you. The body has an efficient effective system for this- and it does it flawlessly. That’s a real proven medical fact.

Problems most times start when people start doing all sorts with their vagina. Pour soap inside. Wash with vim. Put vagina pearls. Add some spices. Use some okro. Try some toothpaste. These wild woke silly nonsense ideas are some of the things that give a lot of women problems.

Your vagina is tight enough. Your vagina is good enough. Your vagina is just perfect. You are fine as you are. Don’t let peer pressure and wild online claims of sexual wonder magic ideas or vagina products lead you on a journey of ruin and regret. It’s not worth it. Thank you!''

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