Facebook user, Kelvin Ingbaifegha, who shared the story online, said the couple had a quarrel and Oyinkro slapped his wife and asked her to shut up. Little did he know she was plotting her revenge. She allegedly waited for him to sleep and then poured boiling water on him and fled their home. Kelvin wrote
"They had a quarrel in the morning of June 3rd over issues, while quarrelling he got angry, slapped her and told her to shut up, which she did, thinking the quarrel was over.
After everything he left and went to sleep, later she went to his sister asking if there was kerosene in the stove, the sister said no kerosene, she went out bought kerosene and fill in the Stove, the sister said they taught it was for bathing or garri, which they even notified her when the water was boiling.
With the water boiled, she poured it into a small basin and went to his room while he was sleeping then poured it on Oyinkro Miebode. Waking up from that shock he was shouting in pains and scratching his body not knowing he was peeling his own skin.
The girl is now hiding and no where to be found, she has been calling to be forgiven, she goes by the name Maureen.
Please we must say no to any form of Gender based Violence and Domestic Violence, we need you to intervene...
This is an act of "Attemted Murder" she did it intentionally.....she must be prosecuted when caught..
" he wrote
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