Nnamdi Kanu, leader of the Indigenous People of Biafra, IPOB, on Thursday insisted that President Muhammadu Buhari was dead and buried in a shallow grave in Saudi Arabia.”
In a statement he personally signed, Kanu insisted that Kyari was controlling Nigeria as the current leader was an impostor.
According to Kanu: “Those Nigerians who out of a combination of laziness, ignorance, envy, stupidity, cowardice, timidity and curse, challenged my irrefutable assertion that Abba Kyari and not the late Buhari is the unelected president of Nigeria, can now see and hear their own National Security Adviser (NSA) Babagana Monguno confirm what IPOB and every top level intelligence agency in the world have known for a long time.
“I know this revelation from Nigeria’s NSA will come as a shock to brainless and roundly hopeless unity begging one Nigerianists but the inescapable truth remains that IPOB is always right. When we say Buhari is dead and buried in a shallow grave in Saudi Arabia with Abba Kyari now in charge in Aso Rock as the ruler of Nigeria, that is the undeniable fact.
The IPOB leader also claimed that Fulanis promised Bola Tinubu, National Leader of the All Progressives Congress, APC, presidency to buy his silence.
“Fulani Jihadists dangled the presidency in front of Bola Ahmed Tinubu and used it to buy Yoruba media silence on this greatest Fulani fraud of all time. Today every ethnic group in the damnable British colonial experiment called Nigeria is paying a price for it. Ignore IPOB at your peril.
“The same “no-nonsense” military dictator touted by Yoruba media in 2015 is being overridden by a common civilian staff? Nigerians should use their brain for once! Nigerians, behold your real ruler, unelected President Abba Kyari,” he said.
Recall that Kanu had yesterday alleged that Buhari was not in charge of his government.
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