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Friday, November 20, 2015

See date of MDCN assessment exam

Hehe...the next Assessment Examination of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria is scheduled to hold from Wednesday 6th - Friday  8th April 2016 at the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital Complex Ile-Ife, Osun State.ELIGIBILITY CRITERIAi) The examiniation shall be for candidates trained in all Countries
Read moreotherthan Nigeria; and for Nigerian-trained doctors that either failed to complete their internship within twenty-four months of graduation or those whose medical school lost their accreditation.ii) Candidates must hold medical/dental degrees of approved medical and dentaltraining institution.iii) Candidates must show evidence of eligibility to practices medicine/dentistry in the Country of training. A current license from the Country's medical/dental regulatory authority shall be required.B. INELIGIBILITY FOR THE EXAMINATIONi) Persons who have sat and failed the examination on three consecutive times shall not sit for the exams unless they undergo twelve(12) months of full time attachment in an accredited Medical School in Nigeria as required by regulations.ii) Medical students yet to be fully released by their universities need not apply. (Applications without required certificates shall not be processed.) C.FORMAT: The Examination shall consist of;i) A Multiple Choice Question(MCQ) paper covering all aspects of Basic and Clinical Sciences in Medicine an Dentistry.ii) A short  Answer Question Paper (for medical candidates Only).iii) A long Essay Question Paper(for medical candidates only).iv) Clinical Examiniation comprising Long and Short Cases or Objectives Structured Clinical Examination(OSCE)v) Practical Clinical Examiniation in Conservative Dentistry and Oral Surgery(For Dental Candidates only).vi) Practical Examination which may include such items as identification fo; instruments, specimens, interpretation of slides, radiographs and laboratory investigation.vii) Oral ExaminiationViii) English Language paper for non-English speaking graduates from medical schools, shose language o instruction is not English.D. COMPULSORY REMEDIAL COURSE The Course is covered by the examination fee. All candidates MUST therefore attend the remedial course being organized by the Obafemi Awolowo University Teaching Hospital complex Ile-Ife from December 2015. Candidates would be expected to produce evidence of having undertaken the remedial course on the day of the examination. Each candidates must obtain a record book where his/her attendance and participation in all course activities are duly endorse by each supervising consultant.E. EXAMINATION FEES(1) Nigerian Citizen - N75,000.00(2) Non-Nigerian Citizen - N150,000.00(3) Other Charges(Dental materials fordental candidates only) - N25,000.00F. APPLICATIONS Application forms can be obtained at the cost of N1,200.00(One thousand twohundred Naira) only.Forms can be downloaded from our website @www.mdcnigeria.orgor collected from any of the under-listed offices of the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria;(i) Plot 1102, Cadastral Zone B 11. off Oladipo Diya Road, Behind Prince & Princess Estate, Kaura District, P.M.B. 458, Garki Abuja(ii) No. 25 Ahmed Onibuido street, Victoria Island, P.M.B. 126 11, Lagos.(iii) No.2 Ogufere Street, Off Okpara Avenue P.M.B 1431 Enugu, Enugu State,(iv) Plot 3, Unguwan Gwari Crescent Kawu(Zaria Road), Kaduna.G. REQUIREMENTS FOR SUBMISSION OF FORMSi. Evidence of payments of required feesto the medical and dental council of Nigeriaii. Photocopies of all relevant academic qualifications i.e GCE, medical/dental degree certificate.iii. Relevant portion of International Passport(Visa & Departures pages)iv. Two (2) passport size photographsv. Birth certificate or statutory declaration of age.vi. Current licence /evidence of eligibility to practice medicine/dentistry in the country of training issued by the medical/dental regulatory authority in that country Closing date for submission of application form is 26th February 2016 All applications with supporting documents must reach the office of the Registrar at Plot 1102, Cadastral Zone B 11, off Oladipo Diya Road, Behind Prince& Princes Estate, Kaura District, P.M.B. 458, Garki Abuja or any of our Zonal offices not later than the state closing date. NOTE: Pls visit the www.mdcn.gov.ng for guidelines on how to make payment to Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria .IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Candidates who passed the assessment examination are to undergo the Nigerian internship/housemanship. Exemption from internship/housemanship may be granted to doctors and dentists who were licenced and have practiced for not less than one year after graduation in the foreign countries where they trained.Dr. A.A. Ibrahim Dsc.mni Registrar

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