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Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Drug convicts executed in Indonesia buried

Chai...Indonesia disregarded last-minute appeals and executed 8 drug traffickers including 4 Nigerians. Pictures of the dead being buried and details from their last minutes before being executed have been released to the media. According to the pastors who were with them in their final hours, Andrew Chan, Myuran Sukumaran and the other 6 death row inmates declined to wear blindfolds and were singing as they were shot by a 13-member firing squad in the early hours of Wednesday morning.

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The 8 men chose to face their executioners and spent their last minutes on earth praising God and singing songs which included 'Amazing Grace'.

On Wednesday morning, Pastor Christie Buckingham - who read Chan and Sukumaran their last rites - said the 8 death row inmates walked out onto the killing field singing religious songs in the moments before they were executed. Pastor Buckingham said the men conducted themselves with 'dignity and strength until the end'. Another pastor, Karina de Vega, said it was a 'beautiful experience'.
Execution ground
The bodies being carried to be buried
Families mourn
Heavily armed firing squad in full body armour have been spotted in a boat heading to the Indonesian prison island of Nusakambangan where 9 men, including 4 Nigerians, convicted of drug offenses are due to be shot last night. The men will be shot in the heart and their coffins have already been taken to the Island. No clemency, despite pleas from the prisoners' families and world organizations.

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8 of the nine prisoners.
Condemned Australians Andrew Chan and Myuran Sukumaran will be killed by midnight

Chan's parents
The coffins the men will be buried in

Indonesia has executed 8 of the 9 people convicted for drug offenses. The men all pictured above were taken to a jungle clearing on the island Nusakambangan according to local media reports and were executed at midnight Indonesia time by 12 police privates (that would be about 6pm Nigerian time). The only woman amongst them, Mary Jane Fiesta Veloso, was spared last minute after new information emerged about her case. A woman who reportedly tricked her into carrying drugs turned herself in earlier today. The bodies of the men will be taken by road to Jakarta later today.nawa oooo ..no mercy ooo

The Chairperson House Committee on Diaspora matters, Abike Dabiri-Erewa said their are more Nigerians waiting to be executed in Indonesia. Speaking on Channels TV News at 10 last night, Hon Abike said a federal government delegation in which she was part of in 2008 visited Indonesia and found there were 21 Nigerians who were on death row in Indonesia for drug related offenses. She said nothing can be done as its the law in Indonesia. She said every 5m you walk, a sign is displayed saying the penalty for drug trafficking is death...hmmmmm

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